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Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional (CIFP) Portovello

Portovello Integrated VET Centre /

Opening Hours:Monday-Friday 8:30 to 15:00 and 16:00 to 20:30

CIFP Portovello belongs to Galicia´s Culture, Education and University Department´s public network of Integrated Vocational Education and Training Centres.

It was created 2011 out of the Secondary School IES Portovello.

It currently has more than 1000 students and 70 specialized teachers whose common goal is to help students both with their academic development and work insertion.

Located in Ourense, Galicia, Spain it has the peculiarity of being composed by two facilities, the centre is in public ownership and offers courses in vocational education in two different level: Higher Education (post high school) and VET, as stipulated in the Spanish education legislation.


Building A is located in street Luis Trabazo,1. Different formative cycles in alternative modalities are offered here, shaping our education supply in the professional families of Administration and Management (ADG) and Trade and Marketing (COM).

In this facility we find the school administration:the principal, the school secretary, the department heads of Business Liaison, Quality and Innovation, Recognition and Accreditation, Information and Assesment, Formation and Labour Orientation and Foreign Languages, as well as the coordinators of ICT and Entrepreneurship. The building also holds a space for a business incubator.

location 📍 Building A


Building B is located in Fernando Fulgosio Square,4. All formative cycles shaping our education supply in the professional family of Sociocultural and Community Services (SSC) are taught here. This facility ist conceived -within a project of Public Space Humanization- as a city, with classrooms as buildings among streets and squares named after key figures from the fields of this professional family.

Several departments can be found here:the assistant principal and the head of studies,as well as the coordinators of the Library, the Department of Teaching Staff Formation and Innovation and the International Programs Office.

location 📍 Building B

Educational Offer


Middle Grade Administrative Management

Regime Ordinary and Distance

The general competence acquired in this cyle consists in enabling the administrative support in the work, accounting, financing and fiscal fields as well as those skills related to customer and user support,both in public and private companies and allways following regulations and quality protocols,in such a way that both user satisfaction and respect to security and environmental codes are guaranteed.

Upper Grade Administration and Finance

Regime Ordinary and Distance

The general competence taught in this cycle consists in organizing and implementing management and administration operations by trade and working processes or accounting,fiscal and financing procedures,both in public and private companies,applying current regulations and quality management,managing information and ensuring customer and user satisfaction,as well as following occupational risk prevention and environmental protection codes.

Upper Grade Office Director Assistance

Regime Ordinary

The general competence acquired in this cycle consists in assisting the management and other departments in organizational tasks, by the representation of the entity,document management and administrative functions, as well as those of information management,internal and external communication and performing other tasks by delegation,using if necessary english and another international language,applying existing regulations and those quality management protocols which ensure customer and user satisfaction and always acting according to occupational risk prevention and environmental protection codes.


Basic Vocational Education and Training Commercial Services

Regime Ordinary

The general competence in this formative cycle consists in performing auxiliary operations in the commercial, merchandising and product stocking fields,as well as data processing related operations, following established protocols as well as commercial and image criteria and operating with suitable quality,observing the applicable codes concerning occupational risk prevention and environmental protection,and communicating both in spoken and written spanish and galician,along with some other foreign language.

Middle Grade Commercial Activities

Regime Ordinary and Partial Distance offer

The general competence under this degree consists in developing distribution and commercialization activities for goods and services and in managing a retail business while applying the established quality and security regulations and observing the current legislation.

Upper Grade Sales Management and Commercial Spaces

Regime Ordinary

The general competences taught in this degree are those consisting in the management of buying,selling and distribution of goods and services,as well as planning and implementing the animation of commercial spaces, following quality, security and risk prevention criteria and applying regulations.

Upper Grade International Trade

Regime Distance

The general competence in this cycle consists in planning and managing import /export processes and the introduction and dispatching of products,observing the current legislation within the framework of the established goals and procedures.


Middle Grade Assistance to People in Need of Care

Regime Ordinary and Distance

The holder of this diploma will have acquired the General Competence with regard to: Assisting people in need of care, both at home and at the institutional level, in order to keep and improve their quality of life, performing caring, non-health, psychosocial and home management support activities, applying prevention and safety measures and regulations, and referring them to other services when necessary.

Upper Grade Pre-Primary Education

Regime Ordinary and Distance

The holder of this diploma will have acquired the General Competence with regard to:  Designing, implementing and assessing educational projects and programmes for young children during the first cycle of pre-primary education within the framework of formal education, in accordance with the pedagogical proposal prepared by a schoolteacher specialized in pre-primary education or equivalent diploma, and throughout the whole stage within the framework of non formal education, creating safe environments in collaboration with other professionals and families.

Upper Grade Social Integration

Regime Ordinary

The holder of this diploma will have acquired the General Competence with regard to: Programming, organizing, implementing and assessing the interventions for social integration, applying strategies and specific techniques, fostering equality of opportunities, always working with an attitude of respect for those people benefitting from his/her work and guaranteeing the creation of safety environments for both, for the people benefitting from the work and for the professional.

Upper Grade Socio Cultural and Tourist Animation

Regime Ordinary

The holder of this diploma will have acquired the General Competence with regard to: Scheduling, organizing, implementing and evaluating interventions of socio cultural and tourist animation by promoting the active participation of individuals and groups, and coordinating the proceedings of professionals and volunteers he/she is responsible for.